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2024 Board of Directors Election

The Directors Election runs from August 6 to August 27, 2024, with results announced at our AGM on September 18, 2024. Members are able to vote online or through our mobile app, by mail or in-branch during the election period.

Director Term Limits

As per our Rules, a director’s term starts at the close of an AGM and it ends at the close of the AGM when their term expires no matter how many days happen between these two AGM dates. Therefore, three current CCCU Directors will term out at the end of the next AGM. As all three have reached the maximum nine years in the past 12 years consecutively or non-consecutively, they are not eligible to run in this year’s director election.

See below for the names of the candidates who are running in this year’s Directors Election, listed in random order:

  • Art Blundell
  • Bruce Batchelor
  • Gregg Cherrington-Kelly
  • Blaise Salmon
  • Graham Bradley
  • Tom Vincent
  • Nathan Hawes
  • Gara Pruesse

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Our Board of Directors make a difference

The Board of Directors help guide your credit union by establishing corporate goals, approving major financial decisions and allocating resources where they are needed most.