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October 7, 2019 4 min read
It might seem like a long way off, but there’s no time like the present to plan your exit strategy.
“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.”
So says a wise saying, and one that business owners should take to heart when considering their future scenarios. Do you know what will happen to your business when you retire or just want to move on to something new? What if you fall ill or worse?
Business succession planning involves thinking about how you can transfer ownership of your business as seamlessly as possible to a family member, partner or employee, or to an external buyer.
What does a solid succession plan look like?
Like all good planning, succession planning aims to address important questions in advance and provide a roadmap, rather than leave things to chance. It involves you looking into the future and considering your vision for your business in 5… 10… 20 years. Your succession plan will help you transition out of your business while minimizing your taxes, protecting assets and aligning with your retirement and estate plans.
Whatever your current situation and future aims, there are some compelling reasons to start planning now—even if your business has only been operating for a few years.s.
When your plan’s in a good place, don’t just file it away. Review it every so often and adjust it if needed, especially if your planned exit date is a long way off. Like making a will, thinking about a time when you’re no longer involved in your business isn’t easy. With a solid succession plan tucked away, that future will be a lot less uncertain.
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